First we would like to thank you for joining us this year. We recognize firsthand that this pandemic has truly hampered how we do events.
Please know first and foremost that the care of your family and children are our first priority. We cannot guarantee total protection from illnesses but want to confirm that we will do all that we can to ensure that necessary health and wellness procedures will be enforced.
Hand Sanitizer available at events (throughout event)
Sanitizing surfaces as they are touched throughout an event
Food properly individualized
Hand washing (start of event)
Cleaning and Sanitation:
Clean high touch surfaces between different groups
Hand sanitizing stations available through the event
Face Coverings:
Local regulations have removed face mask regulations. At this time, face masks are optional and JHC administration WILL NOT enforce wearing masks.
If your child has been sick or running a fever, please do not send to event.***
Our planning team has painstakingly planned our events with this pandemic in mind. We want you as the parent to feel comfortable about your teens participating, as they are our first priority.
We have considered ways to accommodate the needs of teens at risk for serious illness thus our Homeroom Check in. There might even be other zoom type events set up by our activities coordinators. We encourage your teens participation, as isolation can be a very hard situation for any young person to handle indefinitely.
Parents, ultimately safety rest in your hands and we are relying on you to discuss and enforce our guidelines prior to sending your student to an event or activity. We can all stay connected and engaged if we all do our part.
Thank you,
JHC Administration